Think Homeowners don’t care about your presentation? Think again. Everyone in this day and age is used to shopping online and getting detailed-product information, reviews and recommendations on every purchase they make, from the smallest of items, like a pen, to the biggest, like a new vehicle.
The Sentree Air Conditioning Monitoring System which provides 24/7 real-time remote monitoring of residential central air conditioning systems to track A/C health is now available and shipping.
We thought a quick Q&A with one of our contractor customers would be a great way to tell you how Sentree can help provide value to your HVAC business and your customers.
Remote A/C monitoring is just one of the many ways that technology is changing how HVAC businesses manage their costs, add value to customer relationships and stay competitive. One of the newest smart sensors on the market is the Sentree A/C monitoring system from Alert Labs. With Sentree, contractors can now remotely monitor and diagnose air conditioning systems from anywhere.
We recently sat down with Jason Massey, the Warehouse Manager at Services Unlimited Heating & Air, a Raleigh, NC customer of ours, to talk about how they are saving money by reducing inventory loss and becoming more efficient. The answer: SimpleStock, East Coast Metal Distributor’s inventory management solution.
“East Coast Metal Distributors is winning the race in HVAC technology, which has helped grow every department here at Services Unlimited.” – Jason Massey
Upselling and cross-sellingare 2 ways to increase your HVAC business’ revenue. Upselling encourages customers to purchase higher-quality items or services that provide them greater benefits than more basic options. Cross-selling suggests customers purchase other products in conjunction with the primary product they chose.
Running every aspect of your HVAC business is a tall order. The busier you get with new clients and jobs, the less time you have to focus on paperwork.
So, it’s not surprising that some of the administrative stuff like invoicing might fall through the cracks.
Fortunately, HVAC invoicing doesn’t have to be complicated. We put together this list of common mistakes to avoid – so you can get paid faster, cut back on paperwork, and make invoicing a breeze.
Techniques for technicians to remediate bacterial invaders
PROTECTIVE COATING: The slime that technicians find in an HVAC system is typically a coating that protects the bacteria colony growing inside of it, according to Donald Prather, technical services manager, ACCA.
HVAC technicians have enemies in the fight for comfort — wet bulb, duct pressure, system imbalance, the list continues. An old nemesis, however, continues to lurk in the system in the form of slime. It’s not the green ectoplasm left behind by creatures from the classic “Ghostbusters” movie; it’s a white substance that clogs the HVAC system and stops it from running properly. This is when customers tromp down to the basement, or wherever their systems are located, to investigate the reason for their discomfort. There, they find white globs of an unidentified slimy substance — the sight of which can turn even the strongest of stomachs. Reaching for the phone, who are they going to call? Tech-nicians.
Local SEO will help your company stand out on the internet
Who doesn’t want more traffic from Google? Most HVAC companies hire an SEO agency to perform work to handle their local SEO. But the truth is not all SEO agencies are equal. Below I provide actionable tips you can handle yourself, or you can hold your SEO company accountable for these.
HVAC contractors and their employees visit dozens, maybe even hundreds or thousands of homes a week. They come into contact with countless doorbells, light switches, and home appliances. They’re trusted advisors to the customers in their care. So when the time comes for their customers to replace those doorbells with their smart home counterparts, shouldn’t HVAC contractors be the “smartest” choice for the job?
Here are 10 things HVAC contractors can do right away to make sure their companies are on track to start reaping the rewards of the burgeoning smart home business.
These facts will come in handy during diagnosis and replacement.
One of the most common parts to fail on a single-phase HVAC system is a run capacitor, so much so that we sometimes refer to junior techs as “capacitor changers.” While capacitors may be easy to diagnose and replace, here are some things many techs may not know.