Maximizing Comfort and Efficiency: Reducing Energy Consumption with Your HVAC System

Air conditioning can be a lifesaver during the sweltering summer months, but it can also be a significant drain on a household’s energy resources. In fact, air conditioning can account for up to 50% of a home’s total energy use during hot weather. Thankfully, there are several ways to optimize an HVAC system to reduce energy consumption while maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

Energy efficient home

1. SEER Rating: Choose Efficient Units

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is a measure of an air conditioner’s efficiency. Units with higher SEER ratings are more efficient, translating to lower energy bills and better performance, especially in extreme heat. Continue reading “Maximizing Comfort and Efficiency: Reducing Energy Consumption with Your HVAC System”

Boost Your HVAC Business: Master Short-Form Video Content for Enhanced Engagement and Growth

Guide to Short Form Video Marketing

Video marketing is transforming how businesses connect with their audience, offering a powerful tool to stand out in the competitive HVAC industry. Short-form video content, with its ability to quickly capture and hold attention, is particularly effective. This format is ideal for conveying your expertise, showcasing your services, and sharing valuable tips in a way that’s both engaging and easy to digest.

By integrating short-form video into your marketing strategy, you’re leveraging a powerful tool that enhances visibility, engages potential customers, and sets your brand apart in a competitive market. Continue reading “Boost Your HVAC Business: Master Short-Form Video Content for Enhanced Engagement and Growth”

Maximizing HVAC System Performance: Understanding the Benefits of Different Coil Cleaners

Outdoor condenser fan

Coil cleaners are essential products for HVAC maintenance! Regular cleaning of coils with a proper coil cleaner can significantly improve the efficiency and extend the lifespan of an HVAC system. Over time, coils can accumulate dirt, dust, grease, and other debris, which insulates the coils and reduces their ability to transfer heat. This not only makes the system work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills, but it can also cause additional strain on the system, potentially leading to premature failure. Continue reading “Maximizing HVAC System Performance: Understanding the Benefits of Different Coil Cleaners”

Embrace SEER Ratings This Spring for a Cooler, Greener Summer


As the last traces of winter fade and the first blooms of spring emerge, many homeowners begin to set their sights on the approaching summer heat. It’s the perfect time to talk about something crucial yet often overlooked: SEER ratings for air conditioning systems. Understanding SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings is essential for those looking to save on energy bills and minimize their environmental impact as they consider an upgrade to their cooling systems.

What is SEER and Why Does it Matter? Continue reading “Embrace SEER Ratings This Spring for a Cooler, Greener Summer”

Understanding Shoulder Season: An HVAC Contractor’s Opportunity

Spring time is the shoulder seasion

Springtime is often referred to as the “shoulder season” in the HVAC industry. This term signifies the period that comes after the intense cold of winter and just before the sweltering heat of summer. For HVAC contractors, shoulder season is an essential time of the year, marked by a shift in focus from the urgent demands of emergency callouts to preventative maintenance and system upgrades.

The Importance of Spring Maintenance

As the ice thaws and the flowers begin to bloom, homeowners too start thinking about spring cleaning and home maintenance. This season is an ideal time for contractors to encourage and schedule preventative maintenance for their clients. The advantages? Catching and addressing small issues during spring can forestall major, more expensive problems during the peak summer season when HVAC systems are running at full capacity. Continue reading “Understanding Shoulder Season: An HVAC Contractor’s Opportunity”

Navigating Carbon Monoxide Dangers in the Heating Season: A Guide for HVAC Technicians

Thanks to our friends at Fieldpiece® for sharing this guide on carbon monoxide risks in HVAC and safety measures for professionals.

During heating season, the threat of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is at its peak, for home residents and all the HVAC pros making service calls. Because CO is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas it’s critical to be armed with the proper CO detection instruments, proactive in their use, aware of the steps to take if CO levels are detected and recognize the symptoms of CO exposure. Continue reading “Navigating Carbon Monoxide Dangers in the Heating Season: A Guide for HVAC Technicians”

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers for an HVAC System

Grilles, registers, and diffusers are essential components of an HVAC system. Grilles are generally found on walls or ceilings and protect air intake openings and ensure unrestricted airflow, while registers are positioned on the outlet side of the ductwork and are responsible for delivering conditioned air into the living space and providing control over airflow direction. Diffusers are typically installed in ceilings or walls and are designed to provide a comfortable and balanced airflow pattern that disperses conditioned air evenly in multiple directions. When it comes to selecting grilles, registers and diffusers for an HVAC system, there are a lot of things to consider. You want to make sure you choose a product that is durable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing and improves the airflow and energy efficiency of a home.

Grilles, registers, and diffusers. Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers for an HVAC System”

Grow Your HVAC Business with IAQ

Air purification devices remove biological and chemical contaminants, such as dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, viruses, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that cause odors. The result is cleaner, healthier, fresh smelling indoor air!  One of the best ways to expand your HVAC services and increase your revenue is by offering unique air purification products that address common concerns.


  • Reduction in the risk of respiratory infections and allergies by eliminating airborne pathogens and allergens
  • Enhanced performance and efficiency of their HVAC system by reduction of the load on the filters and coils
  • Extended lifespan of their HVAC system by preventing dust and dirt buildup on the components
  • Lower energy costs due to improved airflow


Continue reading “Grow Your HVAC Business with IAQ”

What Are Filter Ratings?

Filter ratings assess the efficacy and efficiency of air filters with regard to their ability to remove microparticles and macroparticles from indoor air, thus improving air quality. In other words, some air filters are more powerful than others and may better serve residences depending upon specific conditions (e.g., pets, allergies, occupants, maintenance).


While there are various rating systems, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) developed the minimum efficiency reporting value, or MERV, rating system. MERV makes it easy to compare air filter brands or weigh available filtration options.

What the Ratings Mean

MERV measures an air filter’s ability to capture particles between 0.3 and 10 micrometers in size. The scale rates filters on a scale from 1 to 20 and is based on the micron size of particles a filter removes, and the efficiency with which it captures contaminants passing through an HVAC system.

Lower MERV ratings mean the filter traps fewer particles … thus more particles are recirculated in the air. Filters with a higher MERV rating can capture and filter smaller particles and more effectively capture larger particles, thus fewer pollutants circulating indoors

    • MERV 11: Captures pollen, dust mites, textile fibers, mold spores, hair spray and dust from cement in addition to exhaust fumes, milled flour and dust from lead, and common pollutants. These filters capture particles as small as 1.0-3.0 microns in addition to large-sized particles. Superior residential air conditioners require filters within this range.
    • MERV 13: Powerful enough to capture bacteria, tobacco smoke and sneeze droplets. These filters capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, which is considered high-efficiency air filtration.

For asthma and allergy sufferers, MERV filters between 11-13 are normally recommended. They provide the best air purification to help ease symptoms of lung conditions or allergy flare-ups.

To ensure a healthier home, use MERV 11 or higher filters. However, MERV 13 filters are considered best for residential use because they can trap and filter out airborne viruses and bacteria, which is currently a high priority. Filters with a rating higher than 16 are unnecessary for residential homes.

Grow Sales – Offer Dehumidification in Closed Crawl Spaces

More than 70+ million homes in the United States are built on crawl spaces. Houses are built on crawl spaces because it is cheaper than basements or because ground conditions make building a basement impractical. In most climate zones, properly designed, installed, and conditioned closed crawl spaces can work well. You might not offer encapsulation as part of your current business model, but you are most likely often in crawl spaces that have already been closed or encapsulated. You can observe if the best “conditioning” method (a commercial- grade dehumidifier) to control the moisture to a specific relative humidity (RH) setpoint is being used during your visits. If not, you have the opportunity to offer this service and add revenue to your business.

Effective moisture control in a closed crawl space is essential for protecting the home and the homeowners. High humidity levels in a home encourage mold, mildew, odors, unhealthy air quality, damage to the home’s structure, and even pest problems. Common pests such as termites, wood-boring beetles, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, silverfish, spiders, and cockroaches thrive in high humidity.

Dehumidifier in Crawl Space

Continue reading “Grow Sales – Offer Dehumidification in Closed Crawl Spaces”