Grow Sales – Offer Dehumidification in Closed Crawl Spaces

More than 70+ million homes in the United States are built on crawl spaces. Houses are built on crawl spaces because it is cheaper than basements or because ground conditions make building a basement impractical. In most climate zones, properly designed, installed, and conditioned closed crawl spaces can work well. You might not offer encapsulation as part of your current business model, but you are most likely often in crawl spaces that have already been closed or encapsulated. You can observe if the best “conditioning” method (a commercial- grade dehumidifier) to control the moisture to a specific relative humidity (RH) setpoint is being used during your visits. If not, you have the opportunity to offer this service and add revenue to your business.

Effective moisture control in a closed crawl space is essential for protecting the home and the homeowners. High humidity levels in a home encourage mold, mildew, odors, unhealthy air quality, damage to the home’s structure, and even pest problems. Common pests such as termites, wood-boring beetles, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, silverfish, spiders, and cockroaches thrive in high humidity.

Dehumidifier in Crawl Space

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Uncontrolled Moisture – The Enemy of a Healthy Home

Many homes, especially in mixed humid and hot humid climates, are experiencing interior moisture buildup resulting in uncomfortable living conditions and, more importantly, indoor air quality issues.

Why is Indoor Air Quality Important?

Indoor air quality has been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health by the Environmental Protection Agency.  Even more alarming is that according to Underwriters Lab, six out of ten homes are hazardous to the occupant’s health.

There are four critical components to achieving good indoor air quality: building a home with a tight envelope, mechanical ventilation, high efficiency filtration, and dedicated humidity control. Continue reading “Uncontrolled Moisture – The Enemy of a Healthy Home”

Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Pollutants, moisture, and ventilation can all impact the quality of air within, and surrounding homes, buildings, and structures. Understanding the causes of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is the first step in identifying the best IAQ solutions for your customers.

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