ACHR NEWS Tips: White Slime Is No Match for an Educated HVAC Technician

Techniques for technicians to remediate bacterial invaders

PROTECTIVE COATING: The slime that technicians find in an HVAC system is typically a coating that protects the bacteria colony growing inside of it, according to Donald Prather, technical services manager, ACCA.

HVAC technicians have enemies in the fight for comfort — wet bulb, duct pressure, system imbalance, the list continues. An old nemesis, however, continues to lurk in the system in the form of slime. It’s not the green ectoplasm left behind by creatures from the classic “Ghostbusters” movie; it’s a white substance that clogs the HVAC system and stops it from running properly. This is when customers tromp down to the basement, or wherever their systems are located, to investigate the reason for their discomfort. There, they find white globs of an unidentified slimy substance — the sight of which can turn even the strongest of stomachs. Reaching for the phone, who are they going to call? Tech-nicians.

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