5 Promotional Ideas to Help Grow Your HVAC Business

Coming up with creative promotional ideas to grow your local HVAC business is critical. Sure, even the big guys need a boost every now and then, but the heart of your small company depends on gaining (happy, loyal!) customers for consistent business—and unique HVAC business promotions are just the ticket.

If you think that all the best promotional ideas have already been done before, we’re happy to share a few tricks up our sleeve that you might not have tapped into yet. When it’s time to grow your HVAC business with a promotional push, think about these five strategies.

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Marketing for the HVAC Contractor: The Case for Marketing

Your company tells a story, and it should be the right one


The Case for Contractor Marketing

Marketing can be intimidating, especially in the midst of everything else today’s HVAC contractor must worry about. Finances, company morale, hiring skilled talent — to name a few. And if a business is doing well enough, the “marketing department” might consist only of a sparsely-populated social media page.


But that’s a mistake. A well-formed marketing strategy is a must to ensuring your company makes profits for years to come. It will identify where you are spending your money to acquire customers, whether that method is working, and how your strategy’s return-on-investment and efficiency could be improved.

And while marketing’s focus is on the company’s relationship to its customers, marketing done right will also improve the company’s relationship with its employees. Correctly executed, a company’s marketing strategy will show that the business takes itself seriously and acts professionally, a quality that will attract serious, professional candidates to your job applicant pool. Plus, marketing done right will give your company and brand a personality, generating an identity that employees can connect with, and ultimately, be loyal toward.

Marketing generates a personality, because, at the end of the day, marketing is a story.

Marketing Is a Story

Marketing is the intentional process by which a company moves a customer from awareness to purchase to loyalty. In other words, your marketing is how your company answers this question: How do we get people to know we exist, then to buy a product/service from us, and then to recommend us to friends?

A marketing strategy, fully-fleshed, will be complex. It will tie together your finances, your social media, your employees, your customer service, your office space, and much more. But, at its simplest, marketing is telling a story. It’s casting a vision and telling people, implicitly and explicitly, what sort of experience they will have when they interact with your company.

Your company is a main character. Your company and brand will always have an identity and personality. This is the connotation people have with your company — the “taste” in their mouths when they hear a contractor’s name. The thoughts, emotions, and memories that spring to mind when they read your company’s name in the newspaper.

Your customer will associate a personality with your company. Even if it’s the first time they see your website or a company truck, they will immediately judge whether your company looks professional, profitable, and personable. In real-life conversations, we set first impressions of strangers in the first second. Your interactions with a customer are the exact same.

Your customer will judge your company. Marketing is your company controlling that image the customer has of you. And the more conscious you are of marketing, the more you can guide that brand image to where you want it to be.

And that image is critical. Primarily, people do not make decisions from the brain. They make them from the heart. An emotional connection with your business, built through experiences with employees and advertising, and then supplemented with low-cost financial incentives, will decide whether a potential customer goes to you or a competitor.

So How do I Market?

This series of blog posts, found on The ACHR NEWS’ Business Management Blog, will discuss how a person with limited (or no) professional marketing experience can still build an effective and profitable marketing strategy for their HVAC company.

For now, begin with this: A marketing strategy is just that. A strategy. It is an intentional plan to guide customers from awareness to purchase to loyalty, and every marketing decision should be made with this in mind. Instead of haphazardly posting on social media, ask, “What message do I want to convey about my company, and how I can write a post to convey that message?” Instead of spending money on an advertising campaign in the newspaper because you’ve done it for the past ten years, ask, “How many leads have I generated from this campaign in the past? Is the campaign worth continuing, or would those dollars be better spent elsewhere?”

Be strategic and realize that you have control of your company’s reputation through your marketing. And that reputation has a very significant, quantifiable role in how much profit your business generates.
That’s the first page in your company’s marketing story.

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Why Air Conditioning Systems Freeze and How to Fix Them

Understanding the basics will help your service team


Let’s start with the basics.

Water freezes at 32° F at sea level and atmospheric pressure. When any surface is below that temperature, and the air around it contains moisture, ice/frost will begin to form. In some situations, ice is to be expected, such as in refrigeration evaporators and exposed portions of the refrigeration suction line and the metering device outlet in refrigeration applications. Frost and freezing are also likely in heat pumps operating in heat mode. The outdoor coil on a heat pump becomes the evaporator coil, and during low outdoor ambient conditions, it is expected that the outdoor coil will eventually freeze and require defrost.

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How to Brand Your HVAC Company

Telling your company’s story will connect with customers


Everyone has a story to tell, even heating and air conditioning companies. Many are a story of passion, sacrifice, and the will to succeed where others have failed. People can identify with that and relate to it in their own lives. They want to hear about success and what you stand for. If you humanize your company, consumers will identify with it. They will want to do business with you over your competition. So, how do you brand your HVAC business in 2020?

Tech Tips Blog Post: Flame Sense

The flame sensor is a vital part of the modern-day gas furnace. It ensures that we do not allow gas through the furnace unless a flame has been established. Flame sensors operate via a process called flame rectification. This is the replacement to the previous era thermocouple and its accompanying standing pilot.

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2020 HVAC Industry Update

Welcome to 2020.

A New Year offers a fresh start and the hope of a successful year for business. The HVAC industry has been a very quickly evolving industry for many years; that pace does not seem inclined to slow. We face regularly increasing technology in the equipment being offered. Efficiency standards are constantly rising. The pool of quality technicians and installers is constantly shrinking. It really can feel like a roller coaster of a ride sometimes! Let’s look back at a major change in the past year and then discuss what is coming:

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The Ultimate Guide To Yelp For Business Owners

Whether customers want to buy the latest tech, dine at the finest local restaurant, or find a plumber to fix a leaky faucet fast, they’ll most likely check reviews before purchasing, ordering, or contracting.

In fact, one out of three customers reported a three-star or lower rating would dissuade them from patronizing a business. This places immense pressure on businesses to not only satisfy their customers but to delight them as well.

If you own and operate an established business or are just getting started, Yelp is a platform that can help customers provide valuable feedback and for prospective customers to find you. In this ultimate guide to Yelp for businesses, we detail how to get started, the intricacies of the platform including free and paid tools, and tips for managing your business.

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How Much Does An HVAC Technician Make In Every State [Infographic]

HVAC Technician Salaries and Job Growth

For HVAC technicians, it’s all about comfort.

From the sweltering summers in Florida to the frozen winters in Wisconsin, an HVAC tech’s primary responsibility is making sure people are comfortable at their home or business.

HVAC business owners, however, need to make sure their employees are comfortable. And yes, we’re talking about salary. Hiring HVAC technicians is tough, and so is retaining them. While there are tons of factors that influence whether an employee signs up with an HVAC business and stays for the long term, salary is at the top of that list.

That got us thinking—what are HVAC salaries across the United States?

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Do you use 100% of your HVAC-R software?

Most HVAC-R businesses only use 10% of their business operations software mainly because most software is incredibly hard to learn and use.

Not Housecall Pro.

Housecall Pro has been voted as the #1 easiest platform to use for five years in a row and also boasts the shortest onboarding time so you can get up and running in no time.

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