The Ultimate Guide To Yelp For Business Owners

Whether customers want to buy the latest tech, dine at the finest local restaurant, or find a plumber to fix a leaky faucet fast, they’ll most likely check reviews before purchasing, ordering, or contracting.

In fact, one out of three customers reported a three-star or lower rating would dissuade them from patronizing a business. This places immense pressure on businesses to not only satisfy their customers but to delight them as well.

If you own and operate an established business or are just getting started, Yelp is a platform that can help customers provide valuable feedback and for prospective customers to find you. In this ultimate guide to Yelp for businesses, we detail how to get started, the intricacies of the platform including free and paid tools, and tips for managing your business.

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How Much Does An HVAC Technician Make In Every State [Infographic]

HVAC Technician Salaries and Job Growth

For HVAC technicians, it’s all about comfort.

From the sweltering summers in Florida to the frozen winters in Wisconsin, an HVAC tech’s primary responsibility is making sure people are comfortable at their home or business.

HVAC business owners, however, need to make sure their employees are comfortable. And yes, we’re talking about salary. Hiring HVAC technicians is tough, and so is retaining them. While there are tons of factors that influence whether an employee signs up with an HVAC business and stays for the long term, salary is at the top of that list.

That got us thinking—what are HVAC salaries across the United States?

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4 Lead Follow Up Marketing System Techniques

As a trade service professional, it’s incredibly important to keep your customer base strong. One of the best methods for doing so is investing in a strong sales follow up marketing campaign. Knowing how to market your HVAC business isn’t always simple, but taking an extra step to follow up with a prospect can be the difference between a sale and empty pockets.

But follow up marketing isn’t just limited to that first contact with a prospect. Another follow up marketing opportunity happens after you’ve provided a service to a customer. How do you keep that customer in the marketing loop to avoid never seeing them again? The key – again – is to rely on timely follow up marketing.

At its most basic definition, follow up marketing means that you – wait for it – follow up after an initial communication to stay in contact with a prospective customer who may convert into a first-time customer or turn into a return customer, if you play your marketing cards right that is.

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How to Sell Recurring Service Agreements and Increase Revenue for Your Home Service Business

If your home-service company is like many others, it relies on a steady stream of calls from customers in order to stay in operation. Yet if your phone stops ringing for whatever reason, your business could be at risk. But what if there was a way to put your finances on autopilot, allowing your company to weather even the worst of off-seasons? That’s the type of transformative effect recurring service agreement can have for businesses that make house calls.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term recurring service agreements, or if you’ve heard of recurring service agreements but aren’t sure how they can apply to your business, this article introduces the essentials and includes some tips to help you learn how to sell recurring service agreements to your customers.

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Why Using and Promoting Online Booking Matters for Your Business

Let Online Booking Increase Your Revenue and Customer Approval

Home service pros need to do business online… even though it sounds counterintuitive. After all, the bulk of your work involves face-to-face visits with a customer on their property. Isn’t handing out business cards and earning referrals the old fashioned way enough? As it turns out: no.

A whopping 97% of people use the internet to find local services. That includes you, whether you do plumbing, carpet cleaning, garage door repair, or any other home-related business. And when once people find you, they want to book quickly. Up to 70% of customers would book online if it was available.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do for your in-person business is to allow online booking. And then you need to tell everyone about it.

Along with getting a great online booking software, what can you do to promote the option to book online? Let’s talk about how online booking sells itself by improving the customer experience, and what you can do to win over the unconvinced.

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HouseCall Pro: HVAC Invoicing — 11 Mistakes to Avoid

Running every aspect of your HVAC business is a tall order. The busier you get with new clients and jobs, the less time you have to focus on paperwork.

So, it’s not surprising that some of the administrative stuff like invoicing might fall through the cracks.

Fortunately, HVAC invoicing doesn’t have to be complicated. We put together this list of common mistakes to avoid – so you can get paid faster, cut back on paperwork, and make invoicing a breeze.

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ACHR NEWS Tips: White Slime Is No Match for an Educated HVAC Technician

Techniques for technicians to remediate bacterial invaders

PROTECTIVE COATING: The slime that technicians find in an HVAC system is typically a coating that protects the bacteria colony growing inside of it, according to Donald Prather, technical services manager, ACCA.

HVAC technicians have enemies in the fight for comfort — wet bulb, duct pressure, system imbalance, the list continues. An old nemesis, however, continues to lurk in the system in the form of slime. It’s not the green ectoplasm left behind by creatures from the classic “Ghostbusters” movie; it’s a white substance that clogs the HVAC system and stops it from running properly. This is when customers tromp down to the basement, or wherever their systems are located, to investigate the reason for their discomfort. There, they find white globs of an unidentified slimy substance — the sight of which can turn even the strongest of stomachs. Reaching for the phone, who are they going to call? Tech-nicians.

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ACHR NEWS Tips: Five Tips to Get More HVAC Traffic from Google Local

Local SEO will help your company stand out on the internet


Who doesn’t want more traffic from Google? Most HVAC companies hire an SEO agency to perform work to handle their local SEO. But the truth is not all SEO agencies are equal. Below I provide actionable tips you can handle yourself, or you can hold your SEO company accountable for these.

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