Series: Pro Training – Ductless Drain Safety Installation

Pro Training Blog Series

The United States market has come a long way on embracing ductless HVAC units. From 20 years ago when you would occasionally see a unit installed on a sunroom to present day when this technology is regularly used to combat discomfort in bonus rooms, additions, garages, and even whole home applications. Along the way code has had to change in order to adapt to the more widely used ductless technology. One of these areas of adaption is in the protection of a wall mounted indoor unit from condensation overflow. Unlike traditional installations where auxiliary drain pans are widely used, the standard wall mounted indoor unit only has the internal drain pan. This design leaves open the possibility of wall and/or flooring damage should the drain line become obstructed.

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Multi-Zone Systems: The Good, The Bad, and The Conflicted

Zoning. The concept makes perfect sense, different areas within a location usually have two different attributes:

1). The thermal gain or loss differs between areas inside the same building envelope.

2). The occupants of the space have different comfort levels.

Therefore, the ability to control heating and cooling independently is a very appealing concept. The devil however lies in the details. Traditional unitary systems are designed for generally larger areas. Zoning incorporates the ability to isolate areas of the duct system and control the flow of conditioned air to those areas. One main flaw with this is that while the areas requiring conditioned air may vary, the capacity of the system remains the same. This can become a major issue when you have a system producing 1000-cfm of conditioned air, and one zone requiring only 300-cfm of conditioned air is calling. What do we do?

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Are you a Smart Home Addict?

Hello, my name is Matt and I fear that I am an entry-level Smart Home Addict. I’m not full-blown mind you … more of recreational user that can see the eventual descent into hopeless addiction. Now, in full disclosure, none of the above is meant to make light of serious addictions or anyone who suffers from one. Rather, the point I am making is that smart home products start with just one often time and then can quickly lead to many. Now I am not what anyone would consider a “techie” person, despite being a millennial. I do not Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok, Instagram, or… Myspace. I know how to use computers and smartphones, but outside of using them professionally, I am not one to be found casually utilizing technology.

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Tech Tips: Dual Fuel in Dollar and Cents

Recently I received a phone call from a colleague who had a client proposing a dual fuel HVAC system to a homeowner. This homeowner was both technically capable and very inquisitive. He wanted to accurately quantify the cost difference between heating with a gas furnace versus a heat pump. The question was simple enough, but when I was asked for the answer… I stammered. I did not actually have a straightforward solution. This bothered me a lot, and my mind had two thoughts, which were equally bothersome:

  • “If I cannot explain something clearly, then I myself do not truly understand it.”
  • “In GOD I trust; everyone else must provide data.”

My curiosity had to be satisfied. So, I went digging on the internet… and nothing was clearly quantified. However, I did find the formulas needed to answer my question. So, let’s dive into the topic of gas versus a heat pump and look at some real math on the costs. To start, we have to look at all costs in the same format. I choose to compare everything to natural gas heat and look at this through the cost per BTUH. All utility costs are based on my specific area and are clearly identified so this math could be adjusted based on your utility costs.

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Tech Tips: Indoor Air Quality Technologies and Applications

Indoor Air Quality is a convoluted topic on the best of days. The IAQ segment of the HVAC industry has grown tremendously overall and sees spikes of urgency during certain health crises like the annual flu season.

There are many types of IAQ technology available, and each possesses its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to have knowledge of these technologies and be able to discuss opportune applications for them.

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Tech Tips: Ductless Logic – What that Wall Mounted Unit is Really Thinking

Ductless units or mini splits – they are the bane of many HVAC technicians. The units themselves are quiet, super-efficient, and work very well. Often, technicians will say something like, “I install a lot of these units and they generally work great, but honestly I have no idea what’s really going on inside those things.” It’s a fair enough statement. Most technicians are accustomed to contactors, relays, capacitors, AC voltage motors, and simple I/O controls. There is nothing simple in appearance about the inner workings of a ductless unit.

For starters, we have the board which is located next to a 2nd board which is then located above a 3rd board. There are no contactors or relays. The only capacitors are built into the control boards. Controls? Yes, we have controls, but not the traditional I/O kind we usually think about. Nope, these things talk back and forth. What are they saying? Who knows!

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Remote A/C monitoring can keep your techs and customers safe

See the problem before the call to plan the right service

In these challenging times of physical distancing, contractors need to safely make service calls at homes and businesses. HVAC and plumbing maintenance and repairs are an essential service. Reducing the risk for technicians and customers is critical.

Here are a few ways that businesses can use remote monitoring to keep techs and customers safe.

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Amana & Google Nest: Create A Hands-Free, Hassle-Free Home For Your Customers

Don’t miss out on this money-making opportunity. Contractors who bundle smart home products with Amana brand system purchases stand to make more per job.

The Amana brand has a rich history of creating hassle-free living environments for its customers. Whether it be creating appliances that changed the American household or creating modern, state-of-the-art HVAC systems that pair well with smart home products – the comfort of Amana customers always comes first.

That’s why Amana brand equipment makes a perfect match with Google Nest smart home products. Google Nest smart home products are designed to create a hands-free, helpful home for customers using voice-activated devices to control thermostats, appliances, security products, and lighting.

Contractors who bundle smart home products with Amana brand system purchases stand to make more per job. Demand for smart home options is growing, and customers are continually asking for smarter solutions to save on utility bills and make their busy lives a little easier to manage.

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How To Get Emergency Money for Your HVAC Business During COVID-19

Options for Your Small Business Facing Money Issues During Coronavirus

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses. Importantly, these loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payrolls afterward.

Let’s talk about the available loan options.

Paycheck Protection Program

A great option for:

  • businesses with fewer than 500 employees
  • sole proprietorship, independent contractor and eligible self-employed individuals.

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Maintenance Season Is Here: Let’s Talk About IAQ Solutions

As we enter into the Spring, there is an increasing demand for air quality services, like UV lights, air purifiers, and advanced filtration. In this post, we discuss the benefits of using UV Lights & Air Cleaners, and why coil cleaning and drain treatment are important. These are great selling points when speaking with your customers about improving indoor air quality in their homes.

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