Why Should I Care About IAQ?

Homeowners with Contractor

The shift of IAQ from being a want to a need put’s HVAC Contractors in a unique position of new opportunities for business growth. According to OnCall Air, In 2020, “contractors that offered an optional add-on, such as a dehumidifier, UV light…, saw (that) 1 in 5 consumers accept the recommended product and attach it to the sale.” Customers are looking for whole home IAQ solutions, it’s your job as the contractor to be educated on the causes and solutions out there.

Value-Added Service

IAQ is a valuable service to not only your customer but your HVAC business. IAQ solutions can easily be incorporated into your jobs and services by educating yourself and the customer. Indoor air quality is a part of the complete home package.

Year Round Need

As a contractor in the heating and cooling business, you are familiar with changes in demand as the seasons change. Having safe, comfortable air in the home or business is a year-round need. Whether you are dealing with allergies in the spring, or dry air in the winter, there will always be a place for IAQ.

Competitive Advantage

Offering IAQ as the total home package to your customers can help create an advantage against your competition. Training is the first step towards making educated decisions on solutions for your customer homes and/or businesses.

Interested in learning more about Indoor Air Quality and Solutions that are available to the East Coast Metal Distributor’s customer?

Download out IAQ Guide for HVAC Contractors HERE. 


IAQ Training Calander

Author: East Coast Metal Distributors

Our mission is to deliver the quality HVAC products you need, when you need them, and provide expert technical support. Our goal is to be your HVAC Supplier of Choice.