IAQ Selling Strategies

IAQ is a service that can be promoted on every single job. Own your customer’s comfort, and become their trusted HVAC provider, by taking a broader perspective of your customer’s home. Don’t just look at what the homeowner called you about. Your homeowner is never going to call you and say, “Hey, my air conditioning is not working, and oh by the way I have allergies and I was wondering if you could improve the air quality in my home.” That call is most likely never coming. So, use every homeowner visit as an opportunity to take a deeper look and educate them on the air quality of their home.

“You can throw on a UV light on any proposal as a recommendation and 50% of customers are clicking on it and saying yeah, I think I want that after I read about it.”

  • Phil Aleo from Hopkins Air Conditioning

Tips for Selling IAQ:

  • Lead the conversation with health. The customer might not necessarily associate their heating and cooling with indoor air quality.
  • Offer Good, Better, Best as an add on option to your customer’s service. Proposal programs, such as OnCall Air, help automate this process by offering upsell options on a sale and even working in cost to various financing options.
  • Education is key. Make sure that your team know the different causes of poor IAQ so that they can offer trusted, valuable solutions to the homeowner.
  • Incorporate separate line items in your proposals. Include information about the IAQ solution you are offering and why it will help the customer.
  • Lead with “Why?” when talking with customers. The customer doesn’t want to know that you can add on a UV light, they want to know why they need a UV light.
  • Offer Financing. According to OnCall Air, “It removes customers’ anxiety of having to pay for a big ticket with savings…it gives a much more appealing way for customers to say yes to higher-end systems, accessories and optional add-ons.”

Interested in learning more about Indoor Air Quality and Solutions that are available to the East Coast Metal Distributor’s customer?

Download out IAQ Guide for HVAC Contractors HERE. 


IAQ Training Calander

Author: East Coast Metal Distributors

Our mission is to deliver the quality HVAC products you need, when you need them, and provide expert technical support. Our goal is to be your HVAC Supplier of Choice.