Advanced Real-World Wrightsoft System Design Course (1-Day)

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Date(s) - 03/22/2022
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

East Coast Metal Distributors Corporate Office
1313 S Briggs Ave
Durham, NC 27703

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RightTek HVAC Training


  • Perform advanced “Room by Room” load calculations on unique single-family residences to include townhomes, condominiums and split-level dwellings.
  • Learn how to layout and design actual duct systems to include 2-zone duct systems (with zone dampers).

Course Description

  1. This course introduces the protocols and procedures of conventional residential heating and cooling system designs on actual homes that have more complex issues to consider.
  2. Topics include heating and cooling loads, equipment selection, duct system selection and overall system design using Wrightsoft software.
  3. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to design an advanced residential heating and cooling system.

Additional Course Details

  • $189 per person
  • Payment due at training
  • 20 person limit

Reserve a Spot for our Event

Only 17 spaces remain for this event. Reserve your spot today.

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